
Bram Cohen on Net Neutrality.

Any geek worth their salt knows the name of Bram Cohen, the brilliant mind behind BitTorrent. The BBC has just done an interview during which Cohen has come out against the concept of network neutrality. I'm still processing the implications of his argument. This man (who happens to be a rare autistic genius) has a serious talent for infrastructure design. If he says net neutrality is the next logical step, then maybe there's something I'm missing.

Network neutrality has become a hot issue in Washington of late, with several bills moving through the House right now (see this earlier post). The issue is becoming more, not less complicated, and I'm starting to become uncertain as to whose side I'm really on in this issue. I'm pretty certain now that the current network neutral structure of the internet will eventually give way to something different, but what form the new net takes is as yet unclear.


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