
It Begins.

This is quite possibly the beginning of the end.



"It is a basic delusion that men may be governed and yet be free."
- H. L. Mencken

Well put, sir. Thank you.


Space is the place...

Bush and Co. have stated that outer space is the sole domain of the United States and its allies. Is this a response to China's recent attempts to blind U.S. satellites, or the beginnings of something far more sinister?


Google's aim at politics.

I really have no idea what to think of this.


Nationwide walkout.

My friend Tepid posts a link to a site which is gathering support for a nationwide work and school walkout in protest over recent U.S. government policy, both foriegn and domestic. Also, a recent New York Times article compares the decline of Rome's democracy and subsequent fall with the current state of affairs here in America. Interesting stuff.