
Rummy resigns.

I'm still laughing at this. The move is an obvious ploy to undercut the effectiveness of the first hundred days of the new house and senate, as well as a preemptive damage control strike, but I mean still... what a fucking coward.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're dead on so far as that being a way to undercut the Democrat success. Just think of it. The day after the Democrats win the House (the Senate was still in play at the time) are the media talking about the win? Are they talking about the first female House Speaker in history? Eventually, but they led with Rumsfeld. The interesting thing is that Bush may actually be able to get more done domestically now that there is a Democratic congress. I predict that there will be a hike in the minimum wage (which I believe should be a state issue, not a federal one, but...) immigration reform, and who knows, maybe even some headway on social security.

6:35:00 AM  

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