

A recent AP article fires the imaginations of a several tech news sites. We've just witnessed the birth a new trend: Flashpacking. Flashpacking is described as "backpacking, with an awful lot of tech gear going along for the ride", according to Lee Gimpel. On his blog Passing Through India, he describes his travels, and lists a number of interesting and useful devices for the wanna be Gargoyle.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, I’m thinking about doing another backpacking trip early next year, but don’t think I can handle the cockroaches and rice again so was doing some research on this Flashpacking and came across this job.


I checked out the company www.keyrecruiting.com.au and sure enough it's the job of the week on this website and they are in fact a legitimate recruitment company based in Sydney Australia. I applied for the job and got a reply back within 3 days, they said I met the criteria and said my application would proceed to the selection process. The reply email did ask me to pay a £3 admin fee. Given it all seems to be above board what £3 is compared to 12 months of heaven I guess it’s like playing the lottery but much better odds. Last time I went backpacking in took me 2 years to save for the trip then another 2 years to pay off my credit cards. John Westwood – Bromley, Kent, England

5:49:00 PM  

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