
Freedom from Earth.

Stephen Hawking has spoken, and I listen intently. According to Hawking, human beings must spread out into outer space if we are to survive as a species. I agree completely. The problem of whether we will accomplish this before blowing ourselves into a different kind of orbit is now the issue at hand. Hawking seems to believe that we will have no problem with this, as long as we can survive the next hundred years. We shall see.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

...and academics everywhere wasted very little time in politely picking him apart.

I very much like that Hawking did not identity "stripping of resources" or "overpopulation" among his doomed-earth scenarios. Studies have shown population to be naturally self-culling (in fact, many countries today have negative-growth birth-rates), and while much ado is made about resources, we have honestly yet to tap into the true potential of our planet to support us, despite having the technological capacity to do so.

On the other hand, a new comet-crater the size of which is totally unprecendented was recently unconvered below the antarctic ice.

Scientists say it is from a previous comet-induced extinction-cycle of the planet.

In other words, comets have killed us not once (dinosaurs), but twice.

Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice...


3:25:00 AM  

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