
Social Network Spying.

New Scientist has a fascinating article on some interesting trends in intelligence. I have an extremely mixed opinion of this. Privacy? Data? Both? You decide.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trends in an organisation we both know are definitely heading in that direction...

And I think a lot of people tend to ignore the first most important fact: bored teenagers and normal american citizens blog and social network.
You're not likely to find a ready-made network on myspace marked "Iraqi_Insurgency" or "alQaida"...and I'd be willing to bet LOTS of money that Zarqawi wasn't a blogger.

The terrorist angle is mis-direction: This is about control of the population.

My prediction: first and putatively best president was a George--last and potentially worst president will also be a George.

--Paranoid Aquifier

11:46:00 PM  

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