

I had a dream last night. In this dream, I was leaving work ( though my place of occupation was a lot cooler looking in my dream than it really is ). I changed out of my military uniform, and as I was leaving the locker room I saw a couple of friends in a room watching a movie. I stopped in to say hi.

At this point, there was a fire alarm which meant that everyone in the building had to form up outside. I then realized that I had put a ring into a piercing on my lower lip. I was, of course, late to the formation. Everyone was standing out in the rain, being berated by some chick who really thought she was hot shit, all puffed up with false authority. I knew this chick, and she was pretty worthless. She was yelling at everyone until she saw me roll up all casual like, then she started to rip into me. She was using me as an example for everyone else. She grabbed the lip ring and started to pull.

She asked me several questions about why I showed up to the formation late, where I had been, and whether I was authorized to be there. As she asked these questions, she pulled on the lip ring harder and harder. I was going to make up some bullshit story, but then I had a better idea. I yanked my head back as hard as I could and the ring was ripped right out of my face. My lip was split and bleeding. I told her that she had nothing to use against me now. And then I smiled.

She faltered, and then shrank away to go yell at someone else. At this point, I just walked away from the formation. She yelled after me and asked me where I was going, but I didn't even turn my head. I just flipped her the bird.

Man, what a great dream.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wierd, wierd dream. But hey, I'm the one who has dreams about leading a marauding band of teddy bears with kitchen knives on a massacre that engulfs the entire world, so...

6:30:00 AM  

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