
One day, I will be free...

I've always had a pretty independent spirit. I don't know why that is, exactly. Somehow, I think my last six years in the US Air Force have only served to exacerbate my need for separation from the routines and dependencies that society has come to accept as normal. I dream of a time when I can exist without the need for anything other than food, water, clothing and information.

Live in a house, an apartment, a duplex? ...Fuck that.

Own a car, a truck, a motorcycle? ...Fuck that.

Addiction to alcohol, drugs, nicotine? ...Fuck that.

Registration, social security, insurance? ...FUCK. THAT.

Remove all dependency. Nothing is permanent. Count on nothing.

I want to exist, not outside the system, but on its fringes. I want to find a different, more direct way to contribute to the mass consciousness. I want to get closer to the source and tap directly into the hive mind of society. I want to become a gnat in the ear of mankind, saying "There is another way to exist", in a voice that cannot be ignored.

How do I break free?


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