
Living in 1984.

Happy New Year. Welcome to 1984. Orwell's vision of language twisted to fit the ends of a power hungry social organization was far more prophetic than I realized initially.

Orwell made a point to underline the fact that the reigning powers of the day could not be labeled "governments" in the strictest sense of the word. His vision of an automated governing construct were dead on the money. This is the true face of modern planet Earth: A place where large, automated corporate institutions make decisions on behalf of the people. These semi-conscious entities have wormed their way across borders and entrenched themselves so deeply in our global political structure that it would be impossible to remove them without burning the host they feed from.

How do they achieve control over us? Through language. "Just do it", "Super-size it", and "Don't leave home without it" are commands sent directly to the subconscious mind. How do they control our government? Through language. By using teams of highly paid lawyers in court against any who threaten their interests. By making extensive use, both legal and illegal, of the lobbying system which is now in control of our House of Representatives. With control of two branches of our three tier government comes control over the third.

Orwell was right about everything, all the way down to the fact that the vast majority of the populace is completely unable to detect the lie.


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